Keynote Vibration

Your frequency is what you frequently see...

And so it is that a perception shift in this moment,...

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Cultivating the Field of the Mind

As you read my words, gently soften your overall demeanor …

Just settle-in and become...

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The Sunshine of Awareness

Just notice the quality of your breath right Now…

Just become aware of BEing aware…...

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The Messenger

Let’s take a deep breath-in wherever you are… hold the breath… focus deeply...

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To see or not to seeā€¦

"Outside” of yourSelf, is an echo of what you used to believe…

Ok, Let’s take...

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I Am, the Bridge

I would like to invite you on a journey, a journey within, a journey through the...

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Electro-magnetic projectors of the Living Story

Some say “We’re on our way”...

NO Dear One… this IS it.

This ...

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Living Water

Consider this beautiful yet profoundly simple metaphor… let’s call it;

Refresh your...

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Contemplative Devotion

If there was one significant lesson eye could share that would be of great value on this day, it...

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“Thoughts come and go, feelings come and go. Find out what it is that remains.” -...

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Fearless Questioning

Greetings on this powerful Now…

Passing through a waning eclipse gateway …


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