Cultivating the Field of the Mind

Jul 15, 2023

As you read my words, gently soften your overall demeanor …

Just settle-in and become aware of your breath … exactly as it is Now…

don’t get attached to any sensation this body makes… just be aware in a relaxed manner…

On your next exhale, release your jaw and neck… feel a pleasant release…

Now breathe in relaxation… and breath out tension…

The more subtle and gentle you become with your own Self, the easier it is to BE fully present… here and Now…

Remember; one doesn’t ‘have’ awareness, one ‘is’ awareness …

And as you release distraction, you increase your quality of Consciousness.

For it is distraction that leads you away from your limitless actual Self, which is always in the here and Now.

As difficult as it may seem at first, just BE present with whatever is right Now, even if it is painful…

You see, pain is physical, suffering is mental …

And beyond the mind, there is no suffering…

Instead of wanting to avoid and be rid of painful sensations, tune-into and listen to the deeper message.

Pain is essential to the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer…

Suffering is due entirely to clinging, or resisting… a sign of one’s unwillingness to accept, to move on and flow with life…

So it is, that suffering is a call for enquiry, for all pain needs investigation.

And who is the one investigating?

Find out first hand that it is not the mind, but the very essence of Self doing the investigation…

Whenever a thought arises, instead of trying to follow it up, or fulfill it, first enquire;

“To whom did this thought arise”?

Notice that you have a mind, yet you are not the mind…

You are subtler than the mind, and the mind is structured within you.

The mind is one of the most precious structures that you have…

For the mind, within the localized system, is a phenomenally fertile place…

Whatever is planted in the mind, comes to fruit.

Whatever is planted in this field, in the field of the mind will grow…

Weeds grow fast, and trees grow slow.

To cultivate is to loosen, to improve, to prepare, to plant, to tend…

Thus, one must cultivate, and be vigilant as to what is being planted in the field of the mind…

As they saying goes: what you sow, you shall reap…

For it is in the mind that all anxiety, all fear, all troubles of life find their root…

All troubles of life are rooted within the field of the mind…

And so it is, how crucial that you guard the entrances to the field of the mind with great awareness…

All teachings, all trainings, all aspiration to awaken and discover your own true nature;

these will come to nothing if not applied with great attentiveness and devotion.

… for it is not only what you plant, but what you allow others to plant also…

You see, whoever can capture your mind, and plant their thought ideas into it, will begin to have control over your life…

Always remember this; for the world is coming for your mind…

whether it is the marketing machine… propaganda, ideologies, or those discontented souls …

Who are stuck in low vibration within themselves, projecting their discontent…

What you are able to see is directly proportionate to how here and Now you are.

Have you ever had your attention hijacked by a toxic thought?

There’s a contraction that happens within ones conscious field, and the bandwidth diminishes…

Our awareness - our bandwidth, then collapses because of being hijacked.

The moment this happens, that negative thought reproduces at a rapid rate… these are the weeds in your field

One negative thought, multiplies exponentially…


The meaning in this moment is generated by you.

Your consciousness state ultimately decides how this moment shows up.

As we lean into the direction of the here and now, naturally, our perception becomes clearer and clearer.

One becomes present and confidant as one now can manage one’s present state.

When you have recognized this, when you know this, you then have what it takes to face any future.

You’re not resistant to any value of future…

Now you can be a visionary…

The more our ability to fully BE in this present, the more expansive our present state.

Welcome to the state of no resistance to whatever arises.

In this state we give ourselves the permission to be a visionary, and we learn to play within our field.

Whatever you need to do, you need to do now…

One fulfills it elegantly, not in the future, but now.

Remember: The future always meets you Now.

As you become more and more clear, you realize that whatever you will ever do, you will do it Now.

What you will never do is tomorrow… like tomorrow I will practice…

Stop making such a big deal about the future, this is a trap.

How does one control the future you may ask?

You can’t.

What you can do, is lift your present moment consciousness value.

Rise up to the highest ability in the here and Now.

As you do this, you find that your awareness naturally expands..

In this expanded field of awareness, the future will arise to meet you with a greater value.

For in the great mirror of Consciousness, images arise and disappear…

It is memory that gives the images continuity, and memory is material;

destructible, perishable, and transient.

"What is the meaning of this talk of truth and falsehood in the world that is itself false?" - Ramana Maharshi

Now, with a clear and cultivated field, the mind is clear, silent, poised in alignment with the heart…

No longer grasping outwards into the world..

For when the mind rests in the heart, there is peace, there is harmony, there is pure BEing…


In Light,



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