Living Water

May 27, 2023

Consider this beautiful yet profoundly simple metaphor… let’s call it;

Refresh your glass of living water…..

I would like to invite you on a simple visualization journey through Conscious breath.

Just relax and become presently aware of your breathing…

Notice just your breathing for a moment and accept it as it is…

Now start to breathe-in relaxation and breathe-out tension…

Ah… there… just like that…

As you continue this Conscious breathing, I want you to picture a glass sitting on a table in front of you, filled with dirty, murky water…

Notice that if you try to look through the water, of course you cannot, because of the water being clouded and obscured.

Now, as you relax and enjoy your breath, take the time to observe the glass of dirty water, just watch it, let it sit and settle for some time…

As you simply observe, notice the cloudiness and particles start to settle to the bottom of the glass…

And now you notice the water at the top start to clarify… notice how you can now begin to see clearly through the water in the glass…

Now see youSelf pick up the glass, then shake and agitate the water…

what happens when you shake up and agitate the water in the glass again?...

That’s right, the water once again becomes dirty and murky, inhibiting your ability to clearly see through…

Now let’s imagine that you were to set down the glass, and take a pitcher of fresh spring water, and start consistently pouring fresh clear water into the glass…

Breathe in fresh, clear life force, and breathe out sediment…

At first, of course, you see that it turns up the sediment…

but as you consistently keep pouring in this fresh clear water, ultimately you displace the dirty sediment, and your entire glass of water becomes clear and fresh…

Now agitate the water again… you see?… all remains clear.

So it is, that our inability, under agitation, under stress, to see clearly, to remain calm and present, relates to our inner sediment…

This sediment is likened to one’s continuous active thought programs and unreconciled subconscious memory content…

Of course, relaxing and letting go of the turbulent thoughts offers temporary clarity, yet once agitated again, under stress, the content returns to the surface and visibility is once again obscured…

One may even start to relate to this sediment within, as one’s identity, “that’s just the way I am” one may say…

One may even make excuses for this sediment and pretend to appreciate this dirt as special and unique…

Yet the fact is, this sediment is what is obscuring one’s full clarity, one’s authentic and pure expression.

You see, clear-vision, true healing and awakening, requires devotion and consistency to stream in acceptance, clarity and freshness …

It turns out that no effort is required to dissolve thoughts.

Through Conscious silence, we discover that the very same thoughts that cause all our problems actually arise by themselves and dissolve by themselves;

As the mind embraces silence, desires lose their voice, sorrows find release, and attachments gently fade;

Granting passage to the realm of unbounded freedom…

This clarity and freshness will always, and only, be found in the present moment…The Eternal Now…

You see, most are living in the mind, between the past and future… never really BEing Now…

To BE present, is to BE in-balance. To balance is to center, and the center is in the heart.

One can really only become absent in the mind…

Now Breathe pure life force into your heart center and breathe out relief…

The purpose of Conscious Breath-work is to lead us to meditation… and from Meditation to the Eternal Self.

The past is memory, and the future is imagination…

But what is imagination? Some think this is creative flow …. and yet this is not so…

Imagination really means: “images in motion”

and where do the images come from? The images come from the past, from memories…

To truly be in a Conscious, creative flowing state—fresh and new, one must be fully present, in the Now, drawing from the Eternal formless fountain…

Effortlessly flow with Consciousness itSelf… This silent presence is meditation.

Meditation is not what you do, it’s who you are, and the joy of who you truly are is overwhelming.

Those who haven’t given themselves this gift are missing this sense of real joy. Of presence. Of pure love itSelf.

Be honest with yourSelf. When you are silent and honest with yourSelf, you find the road to inner peace.


In Light,



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