I Am, the Bridge

Jun 10, 2023

I would like to invite you on a journey, a journey within, a journey through the inner-verse… a journey through the gateway of the Breath…

As you follow my voice, notice how you slowly, effortlessly become more relaxed.

Now, just notice your breath … notice the inhale… notice the gentle sensation at your nostrils… Now notice your exhale… and the gentle sensation at your nostrils… nothing more, nothing less…

As you remain consciously aware of this subtle breathing, as you become more relaxed, more present, start to notice the gentle pause between each breath…

Now just notice what it feels like to Breath in, and Breath out, to just Be… right Now…

Just Notice the similarities of this breathing Now, with the soft lapping movement of the ocean tides, washing up onto the beach, and back into the Ocean…

Continue to follow this natural rhythm…

Did you happen to notice that most of the time, you are living more in the mind and in thoughts, than in the Heart?

…Breath and enjoy this beautiful Conscious Breath.. this beautiful beach…

Where is your heart? become centred here, Now…

Have you noticed that all your problems exist only in your thoughts in the waking state?

Did you notice that however painful it seems, you are able to forget this pain when you finally get into deep sleep?

What problems can there be that the mind did not create? 

Once again, just notice your Breath…

Notice that pains and pleasures come and go, experienced and forgotten.

Notice that It is memory and anticipation that create problems … of attainment or avoidance… the hope of gain, fear of loss…

Thoughts are the veil that covers over our happiness.

And so it is, that Meditation practice affects deeply our character.

Notice your Breath… notice the beach...

Through meditation at first, all sorts of problems are brought out…

Hidden aspects of the personality begin to surface. This is of course, because you are finally allowing yourself to see your state of mind as it is..

Suddenly you begin to realize how rarely, if ever, you are truly at ease within yourself.

Now just Breath in ease… and Breath out tension…

Whatever vice or weakness in ourselves we discover, when we understand its causes and workings, we overcome it, by the very knowing that;

The unconscious dissolves when brought into the Conscious…

Breath in Consciousness… Breathe out unconsciousness…

The “outer experience” is to reflect our “inner experience” … the subconscious material awaiting our acceptance and release…

Words and questions come from the mind and keep you there… to go beyond the mind, one must be quiet and calm...

Instead of ‘doing’, here you are BEing…

take this opportunity to just BE with these feelings and sensations …

Notice your Breath… Now notice where your heart is…

Now Breath acceptance into your Heart… and Breath out opposition …

How about a shift in perspective:

Instead of feeling debilitated by the difficult situations you may encounter, consider this Now, an opportunity to allow yourSelf to be charged up by these feelings and sensations, like a raging bonfire with a strong wind…

Let the fire transform the false evidence appearing real… revealing an inner Calmness, an inner Stillness… Intuition …

Revealing your ability to read between the lines… to simply see the synchronicities, the clues, the path

Life itSelf is the Supreme Guru… be attentive to its lessons, and obedient to its commands….

Notice your Breath…

Clear vision comes from clear insight…

Become refreshed by this Breathe Now…

Refreshing our relationships is accomplished through a refreshed inner relationship.. to be in-spired is to be in-Spirit.. a genuine expression of reciprocity… of Heart...

Become heart-centred, completely present, and just Breathe…

Breathe and stay here until all becomes still and present...

Now just allow the waves to notice that they are the Ocean… Notice the ocean become placid and still

Still water is a clear reflector … see clearly so that you may learn from the reflections…

Reflect like the Moon, shine like the Sun...

this is your living story…

Truth and Love are your Real Nature, mind and heart are means of expression.

Instead of just inspiring to be harmonious, become harmony itSelf…

Look from it, not for it…

To truly see, is to Be….


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