Electro-magnetic projectors of the Living Story

Jun 03, 2023

Some say “We’re on our way”...

NO Dear One… this IS it.

This Now, IS the living story … be still and Sea … are you seeing it Now?!

Witness the inter-play … the moon's feminine vibes and influence on the inner side … on the ocean's tides…

Let’s reflect and breathe together in unison, eye invite you to witness this Sacred relationship …

the relation between the Sun and Moon … The Sacred Fire and Sacred Water… the Sacred Earth and Sacred Air ...

through the Sacred Breath …

Witness the seeming opposites in brilliant equal interplay …

as is the Breath, so is the story … behold the equipoise of the Natural U-niverse … the U and I verse ….

We are but Sacred musicians, and this … this is the Eternal song… the story of Love… and the story goes on…

This is our living-story Dear One …

behold the glory of these Sacred Dynamics… ♾

Behold… the Sacred Relationship ….

A Full Moon is a radiant feminine energy reflector…

The Sacred Feminine energy is embodiment, magnetic, cooling, earthen, the sacred waters, the sacred womb…

The Full Moon relates to a flooding of inner reflection, an inner illumination.. alighting the mind and subconscious… possibly this may bring forth reflections? Realizations?

The Sun …. outwardly illuminating, electric, brilliant and powerful …. Representing the Sacred Masculine … the fire, the Father principle … warming, active and expanding…

No matter where you are, if you feel and hear this song, let’s align and dance to the Sacred music, in the heart of the garden of life..…

Check-in and refresh… make current your engagement in this living story …

Are you willing to see the deeper meanings and metaphors from a new and less entangled perspective?

It is of course your desires that you see when you think..

yet in this way, you attach limitations, limited forms, a ceiling-on-the-Self, if you will… in this way, thus… the struggle to transcend these limited forms…

Yet, when your mind is quiet, clear, without desires, you see what is, that you are complete … pure … fresh… Now.

Are you feeling the call to step further into this aligned expression?

Ask yourSelf; What is flowing for you right now and what isn’t?

Deeper levels of BEing, of embodiment, are always available Now…

The natural effortless flowing state … why struggle?

You as the subject are seeking you as an object.. yet in reality, you are what you are seeking. Just Be here Now.

Questions have been flowing in regarding how to listen and follow one’s true Heart.}

The Heart represents the Unified Self… True Love… Unlimited and Eternal…

How are you witnessing love as it is being expressed and experienced in your Living Story?

True Love is just that… True… pure effortless … in Divine reciprocity…

Notice this reflection through creativity, through pure relationships, beginning with one’s own relationship with ones-Self…

What about self-love vs love of the Self?…

Aaaaa … self-love is the love of attachment … the ego-self is not true love,

our self-image is the very veil of the true Self.. veiled in desire, constantly left unfulfilled…

Que the Sacred Music… the Sacred story…

We have all been trained and conditioned to respect, honor, protect, to serve this self-image.

We have lead a character's journey… a story… a story of separation … from the One … from the Whole … an adventure … and here … the Sacred relationship looms…

Dear One, You are the All-pervading… the Eternal… the One …

infinitely creative awareness: consciousness itSelf… All else is local and temporary.

Don’t forget who you are ~ Realize this Now and suffering ends.

Realization is not reserved for a quiet space away from the rest of your life, Realization must be amidst all … even the seeming turmoils of the living story …

The Sages would say; there are no obstacles, only sensations of the sense organs… and what music they play…

You see… the question “Who am I?” is not really meant to get an answer, the question “Who am I?” is meant to dissolve the questioner….


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