"Outside” of yourSelf, is an echo of what you used to believe…
Ok, Let’s take a moment to breathe, and become fully present … to recognize the significance of that last statement…
“Outside” of yourSelf, is an echo of what you used to believe…
Have you ever considered, that if the voice in your head is you… then who is listening?…
Now let’s consider a profound metaphor;
A metaphor that is buried within the movie camera, and the movie, and recorded in frames per second.
What are frames?
Frames are still images, right?
What are still images? … memory.
So then, how many images per second, and the speed at which the images pass, creates the perception of fluid continuity… of motion…
Now if you were to slow down the frames per second, what would you see?
you would see—still image, blank, still image, blank…. Wait, what’s the blank in between?
The blank space in-between is pure potentiality… the Eternal formless … Consciousness itSelf…
Now just turn that same metaphor onto your own living story … your movie… through your breath… are you beginning to see the correlation?…
Consider this… instead of focusing on the images, shift your focus onto the space between the images…
This is the awareness of BEing. If we stay present here, we find that this Now is the only Now that ever is… It is Eternally Now.
aaaah…. the formless, pure potentiality… unlimited… freedom…
This practice even takes us beyond meditation ….
Shall we place our attention back on the Breath…
…notice as you inhale and receive life force… and yet you know you can’t inhale forever…
there has to be a moment where you shift from inhale to neutral… and from neutral to exhale… there is a very subtle pause in-between…
And of course, you cannot exhale forever either… and so it goes… in a cycle…
remember the space in between?
This space is the Eternal formless, pure potential… Consciousness itSelf…
You see, erroneously you had handed over this knowledge “I Am” to the body and thereby reduced the limitless to the limited…
This is where the fear of death was introduced…
You see, we are free, here and Now… it’s only the mind that imagines bondage…
Awaken to the truth, that life itself is but a movie… a dream… and ‘I Am’ the light shining through the projector… and also the screen…
When you enquire into the validity of the fundamental concept of your individuality; the ‘I Am’, you will see it disappear…
Now you are the absolute…
The truth is, that life is love… and love is life… and I Am that I Am… Eternal…
In Light,